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Published Pieces

Levels Health: What CGM taught Dan McGlinn about fueling for his first ultra-marathon

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Levels Health: What CGM taught Dan McGlinn about fueling for his first ultra-marathon

A glucose monitor can help to understand your metabolic health. Understanding how to be present and deliberate when eating, and thereby reducing high-glucose events, will help you feel more rested, maintain a stable glycemic index, and use food to your advantage.

Bringing Human-Centered Design to Engineering

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Bringing Human-Centered Design to Engineering

This piece discusses the importance of human-centered design and creativity within the engineering curriculum. The thesis presents an argument for the power of design thinking in the field of engineering and the importance of teaching technically-minded engineers to design with more than numbers and regulations, but how to also employ empathy and storytelling.

FLOW: A Continuing the Conversation Presentation at Harvard

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FLOW: A Continuing the Conversation Presentation at Harvard

FLOW was an installation presented at the Harvard's Continuing the Conversation Conference in 2013. I had an incredible opportunity to interview Sir Ken Robinson and had a chance to write about the project.  The art of ceramics involves creating with your hands, constantly learning, and a patience that have all helped in nearly every aspect of my life.

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