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AI as a Forcing Function

AI has gripped the world’s attention. Every day brings another product set out on improving our lives, relegating us to the life depicted in WallE. The trends, possibilities, speculations, and timeline are enough to make your head spin. (All resources are just from past issues of Circle Three.)

Will we find God? Will we experience a dystopian world in our lifetimes?

These are just a few things I’m reading and pondering while I walk to my remarkably non-AI yoga class in my non-AI-designed city.

I’m curious about what’s next, but I think some of the earliest improvements we will see is how AI capabilities push us collectively to do, be, and desire more.

As an example, when DVDs and in-home theaters came out, movie theaters started adding comfier seats. The customer benefitted.

Photography’s effects on humanity was hotly debated in the 19th century. What was the artistic value?

Some argued it had none, but the benefits won out and photography quickly infiltrated the world and people’s lives, altering the artistic landscape forever.

Today, the relationship between AI and business functions, writing, or accounting is similar to that of art and photography. What roles will be redundant? More importantly, how will existing functions be liberated, pushed to focus on valuable and personal aspects? Accountants are starting to realize they need to level up:

“It's time for accountants to focus on strategic planning, financial advice, and all that good stuff that clients really value. Automate everything else. Pass the savings to people like me.”

I’ve used AI in a limited capacity, but have been left extremely impressed and curious about what’s next. The value that has been created so far and will be in the coming years begs the question: how will we be forced by technology to level up? Forced to the edge of the cliff in an adapt-or-die scenario. Based on the below AI-generated image, we still have some time to answer these questions.

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